2020-01-29: Updated: 2020-08-29 * Port the X version as well. LOW PRIORITIES (try to port other games first) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Make In-game score display visible. -DONE * Text display that works when optimise = on. -Better now with vectrexInterface lib from pitrex.10. -Still need to fix wonkyness (zero between each character). -Increased spacing between numbers, which at least makes them more readable. -A little better again now with latest Vectrex Interface lib. * Add buffering system to substitute for video RAM. -Don't need * Bare-Metal version (need to substitute for all of zblast's other Linux dependencies). -Don't bother now that I can run it in Linux. * Add sound effects via the Vectrex. * Replace the raster title graphic. - DONE -Had to shrink a bit because font scaling changed in latest Vectrex Interface lib. * Show high scores, or at least last score. -Now displays last score on the title screen.