PROVISIONAL Instructions for how to set up the bare-metal environment, so that you can boot straight into a game or a menu. Better instruction will probably be available on the wiki by the time you read this. The stand-alone boot environment goes in the first partition on the SD. If you installed using NOOBS then that is /boot, but if you did a manual partitioning, it may not be. But if you did that, you know what you're doing, and you'll be able to work out where the *.img files need to go. Add these to /boot/config.txt - the gpio commands are to avoid bringing up gpio pins in the wrong mode and potentially doing electrical damage. The dtoverlay is to use alternative USB handling code - that's actually needed more for linux-hosted code than baremetal, but you might as well put it in there now before you forget. gpio=0-5,16-24,26-29=ip gpio=6-13,25=op gpio=24=np dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host You'll need some subdirectories in /boot: ini settings roms vectrex we may rationalise this structure before final release so be ready to handle changes in your own programs.